This new believer video collection is your one-stop shop for growing your faith. Whether you're wondering how to pray, where to start with the Bible, or curious about baptism, we've got you covered. Each video dives deep into a foundational topic, equipping you with the next steps in your exciting faith journey. So grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let's explore what it means to be a Christian and part of the Vivid Church family!
I'm new to
following Jesus.
This is the best decision you could ever make and we are proud of you!
We are excited to walk with you as you begin to learn more about following the call of Jesus. 'Salvation' or 'being saved' are just ways of describing this two-part process that you've already begun!
God's Part
He provided a way to save us from the practice, the power, and the penalty of sin through Jesus's work on the cross.
Our Part
Responding to Jesus's work, turning away from sin, and learning to trust and rely on Jesus for everything we need.