Romans 8:32 - He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (KJV)
God, the Father, loved His Son; however, he also loved us so much that He was willing to give up His own Son so we could be in right relationship with Him. What an amazing love! Meditate on Paul’s words to the church at Rome in the Scripture focus above. If God was so disposed to give up the precious gift of His Son for us, this verse tells us that He surely will not hold back any other good thing from us as well! This Scripture also says that the Father will give us all things …with Him - with Jesus! For those of us who have believed, we are in Christ. When we have Jesus, we can come to the Father with confidence that He desires to hear and answer our prayers.
What are our requests today? Let’s make a list and bring them with a confidence that our Heavenly Father loves us and desires to give us His very best. He has promised that He will “with him also freely give us all things”! We can tell God what we need, thank Him for all His goodness, and allow the peace of God to move into our hearts as a guard.