Jesus is IN you and WITH you and because of that, truly ANYTHING is possible! Each month we'll be highlighting men and women, boys and girls, who are making a difference for Jesus right where they are. You'll read stories of how they started, setbacks that occurred, fears they overcame, and the ways God moved so that people all over could know and experience His love. And since God is so generous, He isn't just interested in how others have experienced His love, in these stories you'll also see how those sharing His love received it lavishly as well!
Below you’ll hear from Sharon Verigan, the Founder and Executive Director of Believing Restoration is Attainable, a non-profit created for women who are going through divorce or sudden loss of their spouse. Our hope is that as you read this, you'll hear that still, small voice nudging you to take a step of faith and intentionally love those around you!

In January 2007, my father passed away. His death took me to a place of hurt, loneliness, anxiety, and depression that I had never experienced before. During that time, I would have momentary glimpses of happiness, but often wondered if I would ever experience joy on a daily basis. I remember thinking,
"Will I ever really laugh again?"
I can say today that laughter, joy, and happiness are a constant in my life. I would have never made it through without the right group of friends, attending counseling, and taking positive steps to get my heart and mind restored to loving and trusting my Creator.
Looking around my own circle, I saw that many of my friends were experiencing hardships, loss of loved ones, separation, and divorce. They had no idea where to turn during difficult times. Many of them struggled with how to pay their bills, knowing where to find a lawyer or a counselor, or even the basics of how to write a resume they never anticipated needing. THE BIGGEST THING for them, however, was the feeling of not having someone to hold their hand, pray, or cry with them.
When God set the dream of supporting other ladies in my heart, I was floored; then overwhelmed and then, excited! He began to confirm it over and over again. One morning during prayer at Oaks Church, a member of the church came to me and said, “I’m here to help you with whatever it is God has told you to do.” I’m pretty sure there was a hole somewhere in the back of the church where I fell through! SERIOUSLY!!!
I don’t have a business degree, or a degree in Non-Profit Management, but I have a God that leads and guides and a supportive husband who didn’t think this big dream was crazy!
I love what I get to do and walking beside the ladies and families God gives us to care for is a true blessing. One family in particular comes to mind:
We met this mom when she was just looking for a food pantry. She had 2 boys and was going through a divorce from her spouse who had been abusing her for 18 years. Over the course of the next few months, we were able to offer the family counseling, as well as provide them with groceries and school supplies. She also got connected to our FB page where we pray for each other’s needs, offer advice, and share job opportunities. Through all of those connections, she has grown closer to God and has come to know HIM as her provider.
We started Believing Restoration is Attainable in 2015 and God has been the one to build it. Today we’re serving over 50 families a year and reaching over 400 people through prayer and connection. I’m just a normal person. As I walk in His calling I deal with anxiety, get overwhelmed, and cry out to God constantly. All I could offer was my ‘yes.' It’s been amazing to have moments where I get to stop and see what God is doing through this smashed up jar of really brown clay.
God has been with us every step of the way making it all possible!
Know someone making a difference for Jesus right where they are?
Click the link below to tell us all about it!